What Are The Benefits Of A Vampire Facial?

What Are The Benefits Of A Vampire Facial?

July 28, 2018 Off By Michael Kerin

Call Now to Schedule Your Free Consultation for a Vampire Face Lift @kerinmedspa 914-793-0996

A vampire facial can banish puffiness under the eyes, dark circles, skin discoloration, fine lines, or sagging skin. The vampire facial is also known as the platelet-rich plasma facial that works by using your own body’s blood and plasma. Blood is extracted from the arm and transferred to a spinning centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red and white blood cells. Once divided, the plasma contains a higher number of platelets that can help rejuvenate the skin. Platelets are cells in our blood that stimulates the growth of new cells and helps tissue heal. When it is injected into areas of the face, it will regenerate tissue and promote the growth of collagen. This process smoothes and tightens the skin as well as softening wrinkles making it a great anti-aging option.

Platelet-rich plasma or (PRP) treatment has been used in medicine for over 30 years. Scientists have proven that PRP can speed up the healing of skin wounds, grow new collagen, soften sun damage, and reduce the signs of aging. Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid and temporarily reduce wrinkles and plump the skin. They can be expensive and require repeated treatments to sustain the effects. Vampire facials promote collagen growth throughout your entire face naturally and areas that dermal fillers cannot treat.

During your vampire or PRP facial, a small amount of blood will be drawn from the arm. While the plasma is prepared, your skin is properly cleansed for treatment. The injections are relatively painless and the entire procedure only takes less than 30 minutes. Since your own platelets are being used, there are virtually no side effects after a PRP treatment and most can return to their daily routine immediately. Some may experience redness, mild swelling, or bruising that will subside within 1-3 days.

After your procedure, you will notice results within 3-4 weeks. The skin begins to feel tighter. You will also see smaller pores and an improvement in skin tone. For best results, three sessions are recommended spaced out over a few months apart. The best candidates for a vampire facial are those who are showing signs of premature aging. You should consult with your doctor if you suffer from any blood diseases or bleeding disorders. The cost of a vampire facial varies depending on the practice.  Patient’s should not attempt more than one treatment per month. If you would like a complimentary consultation in order to determine if a vampire facial is right for you, call me at 914-793-0996.


Michael Kerin MD

Kerin MedSpa & Laser Center

115 Main St. Suite 305

Tuckahoe, NY 10707




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