Don’t Let Varicose Veins Get You Down. Treatment Is Available!

Don’t Let Varicose Veins Get You Down. Treatment Is Available!

September 11, 2018 Off By Michael Kerin


Has one of your veins become thick and discolored? Would you like to clear up this issue as soon as possible? The good news is that varicose vein treatment can be simple, quick, and free of major side effects. In short order, your poor vein will no longer be bent out of shape.

What Are Varicose Veins?

When veins expand and get twisted, they become varicose veins. This condition afflicts veins below the waist more often than those above the waist. It can be caused by inadequate circulation or by the natural pressure that these blood vessels endure. After all, veins have to send blood upward so that it can go back to the heart, and gravity presses back all the way.

Varicose veins can lead to pain. If a doctor doesn’t treat them, they could also cause wounds or ulcers over time.

Pregnant women and people over the age of 50 are more likely to suffer from this problem. Also, more women than men have varicose veins. In addition, people who are obese, those who spend most of their time sitting, and individuals with family medical histories of varicose veins all have a greater than average chance of acquiring this disorder.

VNUS Closure

Fortunately, for anyone who’s looking to get rid of varicose veins, there’s VNUS Closure. It’s a safe and reliable outpatient procedure.

How does VNUS Closure work? First, during the 15 minutes or so before this procedure gets underway, you’ll need to walk around.

When the VNUS Closure begins, your doctor will use an ultrasound machine to fit a catheter inside the vein that’s affected. That catheter will emit a radiofrequency.

Then, as the doctor takes out the catheter, that radiofrequency will raise the temperature of the vein’s wall, and the heat will cause a protein called collagen to get smaller. The vein will close up, and other veins will move blood away from the area.

When the procedure is over, you’ll wear compression stockings, which you can pick up at a health store. In addition, you’ll have to avoid vigorous exercise for a few days. Even so, you should be able to resume your regular schedule in about 24 hours. Plus, you shouldn’t see any bruises or scars. If you do, they’ll be slight.

This varicose vein treatment requires only local anesthesia, and it can be completed in approximately an hour. Your health insurance company will almost certainly pay for it.

Note that you’ll have a follow-up appointment about a week after your VNUS Closure. During that visit, your doctor will use an ultrasound to look at the area she or he worked on. Best of all, a week or two after the procedure, you should see no trace of your varicose vein. It’ll be like you never had that problem at all.

Finally, for more information about VNUS Closures as well as treatments for spider veins, you can contact Kerin MedSpa & Laser Center at any time by calling 914-793-0996.


Michael Kerin MD

Kerin MedSpa & Laser Center

115 Main St. Suite 305

Tuckahoe, NY 10707


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