Don’t Let Your Double Chin Be the Single Thing You See!

Don’t Let Your Double Chin Be the Single Thing You See!

June 27, 2018 Off By Michael Kerin

I’ll be totally candid with you for a moment: almost everyone has dealt with a body contouring issue at least once in their life, myself included. Some people go through life with a couple of extra pounds that they can’t seem to lose no matter what they do.  Weight and body figure can be a very sensitive subject that can greatly impact a person’s confidence and everyday life.

Factors That Can Lead To A Double Chin

Perhaps one of the most popular areas of concern is the chin or jowl area.  Having a double chin is caused by excess fat that can be influenced by weight, age, and genetics.  With that said, a double chin can make people look much older than they really are. As we get older, we begin to lose skin elasticity contributing to the appearance of a saggy double chin.  What you eat can have a significant impact on the appearance of a double chin. Processed foods or a diet high in unhealthy fats and calories can cause a double chin to be more pronounced. There are also hereditary factors that can increase the likelihood of developing a double chin.

Minimally Invasive and Non-Invasive Options

Every patient should be aware of the many options for body contouring.  These treatments can range from invasive surgery with liposuction, minimally invasive surgery with laser liposuction, and non surgical options such as coolsculpting.  The best treatment depends on your current condition and your desired goals. Always consult with your physician when determining which treatment is right for you. At Kerin MedSpa & Laser Center, one of the most popular and effective treatments at treating double chins is non-invasive CoolSculpting.  

FDA Approved CoolSculpting

By now you should have heard about CoolSculpting.  No Surgery, No Anesthesia, No Invasive Techniques, and No Downtime!  That is CoolSculpting’s claim to fame. The fat freezing procedure is the world’s most popular non surgical fat reduction treatment and it is FDA cleared to treat the neck area.  I have successfully treated pockets of fat on the chin with the new coolmini CoolSculpting applicator. It is a great option for patients seeking a non-invasive option.

How Many Treatments Do You Need?

The answer is it all depends.  All chins are not created equal.  The amount of fat dictates the amount of sessions you will need.  Most of my patients have seen up to 20% fat reduction in the area with as little as one or two sessions.  Since each session lasts about 37 minutes, you can be done with your treatment in just over an hr. In some cases redness, swelling, and bruising can occur post treatment but patients can resume their normal daily activities.  

I have personally performed hundreds of CoolSculpting treatments at Kerin MedSpa and Laser Center.  You read that correctly. I personally perform all of the CoolSculpting treatments and have been doing so for years.  In fact, we were one of the first practices in Westchester to offer CoolSculpting. The non invasive treatment is proven to be safe and effective at removing fat.  Schedule your free consultation with me to determine if CoolSculpting is right for you.


Michael Kerin MD

Kerin MedSpa & Laser Center

115 Main St. Suite 305

Tuckahoe, NY 10707
