Category: CoolSculpting

Let’s Get Ready For Summer with CoolSculpting Elite, QWO, Smartlipo and More!

As we move through winter and begin to get warmer weather, it’s time to think about MedSpa treatments to get ready for summer.  Since many MedSpa treatments require several treatments to achieve optimal results like CoolSculpting and Cooltone, starting early is essential.  There are also treatments that may have a prolonged healing time or may…

By Michael Kerin January 15, 2022 Off

No Gym, No Problem! Cooltone by CoolSculpting Builds and Tones Muscle…

Many gyms and fitness centers still remain closed making it much harder to have an outlet for workouts and exercise. In addition to that, the pandemic has made it almost impossible to purchase workout equipment if you wanted to exercise at home. One of the best additions that we have ever made to Kerin MedSpa…

By Michael Kerin August 21, 2020 Off

How Long does CoolSculpting Last?

Dr. Michael Kerin performs the World’s #1 Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Treatment.   CoolSculpting is the latest approach to eliminating stubborn body fat. Not only does CoolSculpting have remarkable results, but it’s also a lot safer than surgery. Here are some important facts to know about this non-invasive procedure. How Long Does CoolSculpting Last? Because CoolSculpting…

By Michael Kerin January 9, 2019 Off

You’re Invited to Our Biggest Botox, Injectables and CoolSculpting Party Of The Year!

Gather your friends and family for an evening filled with fun, beauty, pampering and promotions.  Our biggest event of the year is specifically designed to be informative and have you looking your best for the upcoming Holidays.  With Thanksgiving and Winter Holidays just around the corner, these perfectly timed promotions can get you fabulously fit…

By Michael Kerin October 3, 2018 Off